Mission of Big I CNY

“Our mission is to promote the value of independent insurance agencies in Central New York and provide quality programs, education, and networking for our members.”

2017-18 IIACNY Board of Directors & Staff

2017-18 IIACNY Board of Directors & Staff

Who We Are

We are Big I Central New York, a unified group of independent insurance agents and brokers, insurance company personnel and vendors that service the insurance industry.

Big I CNY was established to help support and promote the Independent Agency system with timely information, business knowledge and events to foster meaningful networking relationships. We are a local resource to turn to and benefit from our affiliation with our state association, Big I New York, national association, IIABA, and the Trusted Choice® brand. With the sense of community that lives at the core of agencies across CNY, public service has become an important part of our activities. 

Big I CNY schedules regular monthly meetings from September through June, offering an opportunity for members to exchange ideas and discuss common issues of concern. Our meetings can include lunch with industry speakers, evening networking socials and our annual golf outing.  

Please attend an event, reach out with a question, and if you're not a member - join here.


“You make a living by what you get, but you make a life by what you give. ”
— Winston Churchill

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